Invisiblegirl Archive

1995 - 2001 The Fall

One of the first concerts employed as keyboard player with The Fall
was the launch for album
'Cerebral Caustic'

Julia Nagle, Keyboards
Julia Nagle, keyboards

Karl Burns, Drums
Karl Burns, drums

Steve Hanley and Craig Scanlon
(L-R) Steve Hanley, bass and Craig Scanlon, guitar

Mark E Smith
Mark Smith, vocals

Simon Wolstencroft
Simon Wolstencroft, drums

Brix Smith Start, guitar

Filmed rehearsal at Vector Studios in Stockport in January 1995


Recording The Light User Syndrome Album

Working at Suite 16 studio in Rochdale, Manchester and later in London.
The group recorded single The Chiselers before continuing to record album The Light User Syndrome.

Suite 16, Rochdale
L-R Brix Smith Start, Karl Burns and Simon Wolstencroft

Rex Sargeant - Studio Engineer
Rex Sargeant tuning the drums

Steve Hanley
Steve Hanley

Craig Scanlon
Craig Scanlon

Listen to computer tracks programmed for the album; He Pep and Oxymoron

Brix Smith Start

MES and Mike Bennett
L-R Mark E Smith and Mike Bennet studio in London

video here done for a music channel acoustic session


on tour

Mark Smith at airport

Karl Burns, Saltzburg, Austria

Brix on stage at The Hacienda, Mancheter

The stage post soundcheck with one of Anthony Frosts backdrops.

Brix and Julia, Berlin

Craig Scanlon and Steve Hanley in Berlin

Simon Wolstencroft, Berlin

On the bus at an early hour to catch a flight from Heathrow, London

Karl Burns, ferry to Dublin

A break during transit

Craig Scanlon in a hotel.

nasty and nice poses from Brix, before The Phoenix Festival

Taken from the stage, while preparing to go on at The Phoenix festival.

Fall footie (Belgium)

Julia, Barcelona

Brix, London.

Mark, Salford.

Edwyn Collins and Seb, at a book launch in London, when recording at their studio in London for the Levitate album was discussed.

Mark with Anthony Frost , artist responsible for some Fall backdrops and record sleeves.

Taken by Basil (aged 10). Mark and Julia re-stringing a guitar on the day Touch Sensitive was written in December 1997

The ill-fated tour to promote Levitate (album) in March 1998. It led to the band splitting up and Mark being arrested.

The day Mark had the charges against him dropped and was released with the help of Steve Sapporitto, April 1998

Back in London June 1998 with stand in drummer Kate Themen. Karen Latham joined the group shortly after playing bass.

A spoken word album 'The Post Nearly Man' by Mark was worked on late 1997 and early 1998, recording various segments that helped create the montage of the album released in August 1998. A few concerts to promote the album followed including Nick Caves 'Sacred and Profane' celebration of the spoken word at Londons Royal Festival Hall and the Stanza Poetry Festival in St Andrews.

There was a collaboration with Elastica on their album 'The Menace' during 1999.
This is one of the songs we helped with.

A new Fall line up for album 'The Marshall Suite' drummer Tom Head.

Video done for Touch Sensitive in 1999

Neville Wilding, guitar.

Adam Helal, bass.

A concert in Derby 1999.

The album 'The Unutterable' was recorded and released in 2000.

'Dr Buck's Letter' from 'The Unutterable'

A Christmas tour in the UK followed to promote the album with Spencer Birtwhistle playing drums.

The group line up changed again in January 2001. Integrating and rehearsing the seemingly endless stream of new group members took it's toll. Also a desire to spend more time with family encouraged the decision to take a break from das gruppe. A few European concerts followed and the last contribution was keyboards on a live recording of 'Ibis Afro Man' from The Falls next album 'Are You Are Missing Winner'.

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